1.The War You Don’t See is a BRITISH documentary film that was directed and produced by John Pilger, Alan Lowery, and Christopher Hird that was released on December 13, 2010 and was filmed at United Kingdom and United States of America. The film is a documentary report about the carnage of World War One to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan and disaster in Iraq. The film showcases the effects of media to society and how government manipulate the truth. The events that was shown was the wars that was not seen by most people. The events that was shown in this fil was WWI, Vietnam War, post-2001 Afghanistan, post-2003 Iraq, Palestine: a historical account of PR, embedded journalism, lies and cover-ups, but also of courageous journalists who disclose the truth.

The documentary showed a lot of people’s ideas about the positive side of their thoughts and also, some of them dictated what happened about before and the truth. Media hid the bad sides of the government from the people and it is really because pf how powerful media can hide things from the people and how it changes the truth. It confused the people back then.

  1. The purpose of the documentary is to show people the truth and let people understand what government was hiding from us back then. It also aims to let people demand for change. The message that the director wants to get across to the audience was that we are focused on the positive sides of the government. That we got blinded by their light and we can not see their dark side, or their wrong doings.


  1. I did not know anything back then, but based from the title, it is the wars that was not recognized by the people and the war that occurred without knowing what it came from. I expected to see a lot of people ideas about happened since it is a documentary. The question that I have about the subject is “What is their reason they did that?”


  1. The sound effects is bad that is why I lost my interest in watching. Probably it is good when you can hear it clearly, but for us at the back or most of us, we don’t really understand it, especially, when a person is talking about the things that happened. The images are good, I don’t really have any problem about that. The filming is good. It is professionally made and they used a lot of angles to show more details for the film. There are no effects because it is created in real life and is not programmed.
  2. What I like about the documentary was they showed many opinions or ideas of the people that know something about it. I learned a lot like the different kinds of war that happened and the truth. I was surprised on how they documented the film because it takes a lot of courage to document during a war. The drawback of the documentary is it will affect some of the people’s mind. I would if they are interested because it will wake them up about the past/history.

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