Answers with:

Pierre James Miranda

Peter Paul Abucay

Christian Bayangos

Kenneth Agtina

Ser John Paul Cadano

Justin Christopher Antonio

1. Similarities and Differences

the topic of the article is about Moira Deal Torre and the Marcos Fest
the article is one-sided
the facts are accurate
the articles are timely
the sources are reliable
they are published publicly
they have different sources
they have different publishing date
their media sites
information sources
main topic


What is the details of this piece of news? Which of these details can be verified in other sources? Could these details be true? Why or Why not?

(1) It is the controversy of Moira Deal Torre concert held in Centennial Arena, at Laoag City, Ilocos Norte. (2) Almost all details can be verified because informations came from primary sources. (3) True. (4) The accuracy of the informations are high.

Which of these facts are measurable? How were they derived? Was the article written in an objective manner? Is the article written with care?

(1)All of them. The facts are in its closeness. (2) They were derived through tweets, blogs, and post from the primary sources of information. (3) No. The articles are biased. (4) No. the issues should only be between the two parties.

Consider the audience of the article? Who would find this article valuable?

(1) Blogs, followers, netizens, and subscribers. (2) The pro- and anti-marcosses and the Moira Dela Torre’s fans.

Who wrote the article? How is the author related to the article? What was his source? Are the sources properly cited? What is the reputation of the author? Is he known for some biases?

(1) Journalists. (2) It’s their profession. (3) The people are connected to the issue. (4) Yes. (5) The author was trusted. (6) No.

When was the article written? Is it possible that some of the information from the article has change in time? If yes, would they have any effect on the conclusion of the article?

(1) The issue was ignited when Moira Dela Torre tweeted about her political views. (2) Yes,thru gossips . (3) Yes, they will develop hatred towards Moira Dela Torre

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